Peter-Drinnen, professional cricket coach-PD Cricket, Brisbane, Australia.jpeg

1. What are Peter's qualifications?
Peter has been in the cricket coaching business for over 25 years and has worked across all areas of the game from development, to international level. He has coached at 4 World Cups in 2 formats. Peter currently holds the highest level of accreditation in world cricket, ECB Level 4 and CA Level 3.

2. Why use Peter and PD Cricket?
Knowledge is one thing but there is no substitute for experience. PD Cricket is one of the first coaching businesses established in Brisbane back in the mid 90’s. Peter has a wealth of experience working with all levels of player across all age groups in many countries and his player management skills are exceptional.

3. Where are the training facilities?
Peter coaches out of Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie) at East Brisbane and Valley’s District Cricket Club at Ashgrove.

4. How much does it cost for private cricket coaching?
Peter charges $130 per hour + GST.

5. What options do I have to get my son or daughter cricket coaching?
One-on-one individual coaching
Small group coaching (bring along some friends)
Get involved in our Academy Program (VDCC Academy)
Join our school holiday camps

6. Can Peter coach all skill sets?
Peter is qualified to and has experience in coaching all skills sets. He specializes in batting and wicket-keeping and would recommend specialists in pace bowling and spin bowling if required.

7. When could I get a lesson, during the week or weekends?
Peter is normally heavily booked throughout the year though he will always try and find a time slot that will work for both parties. He does work on weekends if necessary.

8. Does Peter only work in Brisbane?
No. Peter has conducted clinics and camps across Queensland. Though based in Brisbane he is happy to travel when time permits. Peter is originally from the country and thoroughly enjoys giving something back to the country areas of the state.